Metaproto Ltd
Complaints Handling Policy
We are committed to providing a high standard of service to our clients on every occasion. We do recognize however, that occasionally there may be circumstances where you are dissatisfied with the service that you receive from us and wish to raise a complaint. Normally, complaints arise from misunderstandings and most can be resolved quickly and easily. In the first instance please contact our Client Services Team.
If our client services team is unable to resolve the matter you may refer it as a complaint to our compliance department. Please set out the complaint clearly, ideally in writing. The compliance department will carry out an impartial review of the complaint with a view to understanding what did or did not happen and to assess whether we have acted fairly within our rights and have met our contractual and other obligations. A full written response will be provided within eight weeks of receiving the complaint.
Please write to:
We will make every effort to resolve your complaints as soon as possible.